We noticed that last season that bat detectors placed at 8.5 m ( atop a window cleaners pole and a de-bristled brush) gave us very different results from what we heard at ground level, but as we only had one Griffin we could not record at two levels at the same time with a time expansion detector)( We used . batbox Duets instead which , not being time expansion detectors, can’t give such high definition recordings)
Using a Petterson time expansion detector which was handheld, Bob only reported a few common pips, , the Griffin placed on the pole low down picked up a Noctule pass, while the Griffin at canopy height picked up both common and soprano pips, a serotine, a barbastelle, and what was possibly a Leisler’s (though it might just have been a Noctule playing silly devils.
The double Griffin se4t up. You can just about see the 2nd Griffin at canopy height right at the top of the photo. The object ion the tree trunk is a bat box (unoccupied) Photo Bob Cornes