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Friday 31 January 2014

Hibernation update

Last weekend's hibernation survey has again broken records, with a total of 172 bats (previous highest 168 in Dec 2012). The December 2013 was 
106, possibly because the mild weather had not driven bats underground 
as early as the last couple of years. 

The January breakdown was:

119 Natterer's (previous highest 91). This is a dramatic increase.
38 Daubenton's (not exceptional - there were 44 in Dec 2012)
11 BLEB (down; the record was 22 in Jan 2011)
2 Barbastelles (there were 3 in December, but this is well down on 
recent winters. The record is 25 in Jan 2011)
1 Pip. sp. (the first recorded since Jan 2012)
1 unidentified

The significant changes were the increase in Natterer's and decrease in 
BLEB and Barbs. The only one of these which fits a consistent pattern 
over several winters is the drop in Barbs after mild winter weather so 
far. There is no obvious explanation of the changes in Natterer's and BLEB.


Wednesday 15 January 2014

First Hibernation Checks

The first of three hibernation checks have been made and the following bats were found: -

106 bats in total:

61 Natterer's
26 Daubenton's
2 Myotis sp.
14 BLE
3 Barb