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Sunday 11 September 2011

First Box Check at Kings Wood

Bob, Aidan, Jonathan, Simon, Jake and I did the first bat box check yesterday.

We thought that it would take about 6hrs (with Bob expecting to not find bats) the rest of us were not so sure.

The first box checked a single common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) was found. By the time we had checked 9 boxes three species, including brown long eared bat Plecotus auritus and soprano pipistrelle P. pygmaeus had been found. Other boxes had droppings found indicating that bats had been using them.

Many were juvenile bats, but a great start to the project. Needless to say all of the boxes were not checked this time round, but we will look at having another check in October.

The interesting thing was that we also found several tree roosts in Oak Querus robur in a small area of the wood. Jake (12 yrs old) had wondered off, so I went to find him, on the way I noticed several holes in trees and managed to find brown long eared droppings in one, at least one other hole had droppings as well.


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